Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ax for Freedom and Fly Supper While Sitting On a Milk Stool

Sentences taken from, "Charlotte's Web"

Terri - "Where's papa going with that ax?" said Timmy.  He didn't really think it was appropriate for papa to take an ax to a work interview, especially when the job had to do with computers and not with chopping wood.  What were the people interviewing him going to think about that?  Then again, maybe that was part of his ploy or plot or whatever.  Maybe he was going to chop of their arms if they didn't hire him. His papa had weird ideas.   

And why did he always have to call him papa.  It's not like they live on a farm.  Some people are so old fashion.  Timmy sat down and continued thinking about his toes.  It was what he was thinking about prior to noticing his father going to work in a suit and his ax.  He loved his toes.  He thought they were so attractive.   He knew one day, whenever he found a special someone, she would love his toes too.  She would probably like his armpits too.

He heard his mom, I mean, momma, calling him for dinner.


Becca - She fed him again at supper time, and again just before she took her very last bite of supper. She liked to keep his feedings close together for a day or two so she didn't have to worry about feeding him for a few weeks. She didn't know if he like it that way or not but it didn't really matter since he couldn't talk and he was still alive so it couldn't be that bad. 

Dan - She found an old milking stool that had been thickly covered with the initials of former prisoners gouged in its rough surface. She sat down, wondering what she was doing here. That old man had seemed so nice, when he asked for some spare change. She still found it hard to believe that he was a member of the New World Order--and what did he want with her, anyway? She looked around the little cell, which was bare except for the milking stool and a pile of coat hangers. On one wall, she could make out some sort of fresco, covered over with years of grime. It looked like a giant hand holding a bunch of lettuce and a lightning bolt. As she tried to make it out, the sunlight faded rapidly from the slit-like window. Soon there were only shadows and noises of …

Rob - ...the bats flying around, searching in vain for the exit that I'd accidentally closed when I triggered the rockslide. Now I was stuck, and who knows how much air I really have left! At least I'll be able to eat some bats; I've never had bat before. I wonder if it tastes like chicken. But then I noticed that something distinctly non-bat-like was hitting my ear. What's this? A fly?

Ani – The fly beating its wings furiously, trying to break free of the piece of bubble gum it had gotten itself stuck to. As he struggled he began to remember all of the beautiful times in his life...the ones full of love and laughter....and manure. Good times. I remembered when he met his wife, remembered staring deep into all the hundreds of eyes she had. She had meant everything to him! He must get back to her!! This thought gave him renewed strength as he fought to get free!
"I will not give up so easily!!!" he screamed as he struggled. He kept remembering the good times of the past but used them as fuel. The winters he spent hiding out, the beautiful spring time...when everything is gross and wet. And then he remembered his favorite time. Summer.

Leslie - Early summer days are a jubilee time for running through the fields. I like to do it often. One time as I was running I tripped. I looked and saw my left shoe stuck in a hole. I couldn’t get it out. Nobody knew where I was. I tugged and tugged. I tried digging around it but there were too many rocks. I couldn’t get it free and I couldn’t get help. I’m stuck – what should I do? I cried. Then suddenly I remembered that I didn’t put any shoes on that day. Freedom!

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